Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Ok, I know I am behind the times with this, but Chat Roulette has got to be one of the weirdest and freakiest websites ever. Today, has been a very eventful day for myself. Chat Roulette has introduced me to some very, very strange people. I saw a man doing coke. I believe it was coke, because it looked something like this

Then again, Who knows, it could have been cookie dough I guess, who am I to judge? I proceded in my roulette journeys and saw way too many penises for any straight man. In fact, I probably saw way too many penises for any homosexual man. It makes me wonder what the hell these guys are thinking. Am I missing something? What is fun about sitting in front of a computer screen, and masturbating to millions of random people throughout the world? The day anyone sees me doing this on chat roulette will be the day that I asked to be killed. So for all you who do spank your meat on chat roulette, I am kindly asking you to please explain how you wake up in the morning and think to yourself, "Today, I am going to masturbate to random people via video camera!" In the 21 years of my life, that thought has never crossed my mind. Today, I also saw many females naked. I realize that any straight guy should not complain about this but honestly, why are girls just standing in front of a camera naked? Especially the ones that looked decent. Girls, you could probably go stand in any of your friends rooms like that and they would be more than happy to give you pleasure...Then again, if your standing in front of a camera naked on chat roulette, I am assuming you do not have many friends. I also see kids who looked to be no more than 12-15 years old. Do parents no longer exist in this world? "Daddy, how come I am starting to get a weird sensation in my Pee Pee when I am around girls?" "Well son, you are growing up! Watch these men on chat roulette to see how to lose that sensation" It scares me to think this type of conversation actually happens between families. Parents, I am begging you, please don't let your young children use this site! I met a group of German girls today. They were all about talking to me (can you blame them) until I said I was American. Well... their loss. I met a Japanese girl who had to look up in a book where the United States was. That seems kind of crazy. What do they teach you over there when you learn about Pearl Harbor? Do you know what country you assholes fucked with? Other than her lack of knowledge, she seemed very nice. I also met another girl who seemed very nice. Tatoos all over her body, a pierced nose and many other piercings all over her body but she had clothes on at least. I told her my name was George. Turns out she has a cat named George. I wonder if my name was Randy, she would have a cat named Randy? Anyway, Chat Roulette is a very strange website. Until next time....

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